Monday, November 22, 2010

Collection Agencies in New Jersey

Big states are always a great place to find a job at collection agencies. New Jersey has a population of over eight million seven hundred thousand people. As of January 2010 the unemployment rate in the state of New Jersey was 9.9%. This means that there are over eight hundred and sixty thousand unemployed people in the state of New Jersey. All these unemployed people are making collection agencies in New Jersey very busy.

Looking for a job at collection agencies in New Jersey makes a lot of good sense. Collection agencies in New Jersey need to hire good people and the jobs that they are trying to fill offer good pay and excellent benefits. Collection agencies serve a purpose that is very important to the overall economy. For a business to survive and grow it needs to collect the money that is due to it. The opportunity for you in collection agencies is amazing. Because collection agencies are seeing such an increase in business, there are great opportunities to advance your career. As new collectors are hired to meet the growing demand, there will be a need to promote supervisors and managers.

As of 2008, New Jersey’s Per Capita income was the second highest in the United States at $54,699. The National average is $46,588. Nine of New Jersey’s counties are in the wealthiest one hundred in the country. Collection agencies in New Jersey offer compensation packages that are very attractive, even for the state with the second highest Per Capita. With seven state tax brackets that range from 1.4% to 8.97%, you will also be able to take home more of what you earn.

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